Pack 1's
Home Page
Cub Scout Uniform
About Pack 1
How to Join

Cub Scout Pack 1
(Short Hills, New Jersey)
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Join Cub Scouts

Membership is open to boys and girls in grades 1 - 5.   Generally the Pack 1 Scouts attend the elementary schools in Short Hills, but membership is open to children who attend any school.  Even though the Cub Scout pack is sponsored by Christ Church Short Hills, members may be of any religious affiliation.  We have a very diverse group of Scouts in Pack 1.

So how can your child join Cub Scouts?

Visit one of our Pack Meetings and see what we have to offer.   Cub Scouts is a family oriented program.   We have Pack meetings once a month during the school year, and smaller groups of Cub Scouts all the same age, a Cub Scout Den, may meet monthly or every other month.  At least one parent or guardian must be at the meetings with their child.  Siblings are welcome as well.

To join, fill out the official BSA application form and also the Pack 1 application form, and pay the annual registration fee.  That's all there is to it!

We will add your email address to the Scoutlander system so you will receive news and notices about upcoming meetings and events.  Plus, as a member, you can register with the Pack 1 website to be able to check the Pack calendar, download flyers and documents related to trips and outings.

Next, purchase a Cub Scout handbook and uniform for your Cub Scout.  Get ready for a year full of fun and learning for the whole family! 
Icon File Name Comment  
BSA Youth Application Form.pdf BSA application form